450 Veterans Memorial Parkway - Bldg 5, East Providence, RI 02914
Cataract Services
What Are Cataracts?
Our eye functions much like a camera. The eye has a natural lens that focuses images onto the retina, the same way the lens of a camera focuses light onto film. At birth, our natural lens is clear, but as we age, it yellows and hardens. As a result, the lens becomes cloudy. This condition is called a cataract. If your vision is hazy, you need more light to read at night, or experience glare while driving at night, you likely are experiencing the symptoms of cataracts.
Cataract Causes
Cataracts are a result of the natural aging process. If you live long enough, you will at some point develop a cataract. Some systemic conditions and medications can contribute to the process of cataract formation.
Cataract Symptoms
Cataract symptoms include a gradual decrease in vision, dulling of colors, light sensitivity, glare from oncoming headlights, double vision, and a frequent need to change your glasses
prescription. Some people find they start to see better up close than they previously could. A cataract will progress until eventually there is a complete loss of vision in that eye.
Cataract Treatment
Surgery is the only way a cataract can be removed. This is a very common and routine surgery in the United States. You should consider surgery when the cataracts are causing enough loss
of vision to affect your daily activities. During cataract surgery, your cloudy natural lens is removed, and a new clear lens implant is inserted to restore your vision.
Lens Implant Choices
Lens implants come in different powers, prescriptions, and combinations. They range from the simple mono-focal lens to more advanced multi-focal and toric lenses that allow us to deliver remarkable vision after cataract surgery. We can personalize your post-operative vision to suit your lifestyle and provide a fuller range of vision without glasses.